In the latest episode of The Exploring More Podcast, hosts Michael Thompson and SJ Jennings tackle a profound and challenging question: What are the odds that you have truly interpreted your life correctly? Building on their previous conversation about biblical masculinity—what it is, and what it should ideally look like—this episode delves into even deeper territory, examining how our understanding of our own lives shapes our perceptions of God and, consequently, of ourselves.  Michael and SJ open up a thought-provoking dialogue on the ways in which our life interpretations, often flawed and distorted by personal pain and misjudgments, have led to significant wounds in our spiritual and emotional lives. These wounds, they suggest, are often at the root of the "false self" that many men struggle with—the version of ourselves that we present to the world, which is often a far cry from the person God sees and knows us to be.  Throughout the episode, the hosts emphasize the importance of walking with God as a path to healing and restoration. They encourage listeners to take a closer look at the stories they tell themselves about who they are and where they come from, and to consider how these narratives may be influenced by past hurts or misconceptions. By doing so, they argue, we can begin to dismantle the false self and move closer to the true identity that God has intended for us all along.