Those who hope in the Lord
Will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not grow faint
–Isaiah 40:31

It’s a glorious thing when you move one of your pieces across the board and it becomes a king.

As a metaphor for the masculine journey, that piece is a part of a man’s heart, a part of his life that was taken or sacrificed. It was a part that was lost, in a moment. But now, that piece gets restored, and can begin to move differently, taking back lost ground. Moving from defense to offense. Making it possible for other pieces to reach the end of the board safely, so that they can then become another part of his heart that has been restored. And then they can then re-enter, re-deploy into the battle, into the fight, and see even more of those pieces reclaimed. Redeemed.