You Are a Kingdom Man

You Are a Kingdom Man
This week on The Exploring More Podcast we kick off a series we call The Four Assumptions that come from our weekend events. The Four Assumptions are statements that Zoweh believes to be pivotal in going into the fullness of the larger Gospel.

Going to War with Your Brothers

Going to War with Your Brothers
In last weeks episode, Michael and SJ talked about spiritual orientation to the bigger story and war that is going on. It is not good for man to go through this story alone. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings dig into a quote that Zoweh has come to love from Dan Allender. It says “Find like-hearted kings living in the same direction. Sign treaties. When one kingdom is at war, both are at war.” The Kingdom is meant to be a brotherhood full of Allies.

Spiritual Orientation

Spiritual Orientation
Being attuned, oriented, and aware, of both the good God is up to in your life, and what the enemy is doing in your life is the heart behind the Dangerous For Good Men’s Summits. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings continue the conversation about DFG summits, and what those summits will look like, more heart behind them, and the hopeful result of hosting and/or attending one. As image bearers, we are called to look like Jesus, who was Dangerous For Good.

Dangerous for Good

Dangerous for Good
The reclaiming of words can be a hard and fragile process. Aslan is not safe, but he is good, Dangerous For Good. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings start the conversation about what Dangerous For Good means, and what it can look like in a man’s life. As image bearers, we are called to look like Jesus, who was Dangerous For Good. The difference between how men have been dangerous and being Dangerous For Good is vastly different.

Hearing God's Voice

Hearing God's Voice
Is hearing from God even possible? Does God still speak? Have you ever wondered these questions? In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and Josh Overton tell stories of hearing God’s voice, when they realized that it is for everyone, and the theology behind it. Hearing God’s voice is something that the Father wants all of his beloved Son’s and Daughter’s to experience. With our new YouVersion bible app reading plan ‘Comforted By God’ you can experience one way, that we believe, God still speaks.

Recovery from Your Trauma

Recovery From Your Trauma
Walking through life disregarding our wounding, our hurt, and our trauma, is not the life Jesus offers us in John 10:10. Recovery of those experiences and healing is a big piece of the fullness of life that Jesus offers us. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings talk about what the recovery of the heart can look like. Using the Healing Along the Masculine Journey YouVersion plan that Zoweh has released, they walk through the first three days of the plan, and what healing looks like.

Preparing Your Heart

Preparing Your Heart
Preparing your heart for an encounter with Jesus is a pertinent thing to do, because Jesus Changes our lives. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings talk about how they practice rhythms of solitude, quiet, and presence to prepare their hearts to hear from the trinity. With the Heart of a Warrior Encounter coming up this weekend, Michael and SJ encourage men to get into a rhythm of slowing down and listening.

Women Talking About Men

Women Talking About Men
Hearing what women think about generational masculinity is a perspective that is incredibly important. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, his wife Robin Thompson, and his friend Sherry Jennings, talk about what they are hopeful for in the work of redeeming generational masculinity for the healing of men, women, marriages, and families. They tell stories of hurt and hope. How men have let down, and not rose to the occasion of treating a feminine heart with curiosity, kindness, and strength, as well as sharing how the continued healing of men around them has had a beautiful effect in their lives.

What will you do with your Kingdom?

What will you do with your Kingdom?
On this special edition of The Exploring More podcast we are featuring an episode of the Men in the Arena podcast with Jim Ramos. Jim had Michael onto his show to talk all things King Me, Kingdom, and moving forward! Here’s what he had to say about the episode: ‘Every man has a kingdom. Not every king rules well. If you ever feel powerless at work or home, wonder how to become the hero in your life story, or just want to make sure you're wielding the power God has given you well, this episode is for you.

The Impact of Spending time with God

The Impact of Spending Time with God
Getting away with God is something that we love to talk about. Extended time alone with God has lead to some of the most important life change and experiences in Michael and SJ’s lives. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and his friend SJ Jennings, talk about the impact of spending time alone with God, in relation with Redeeming Generational Masculinity. They answer the questions, ‘what is the vision God has given us?’ ‘How does a men's retreat impact generational masculinity, for the healing of men, women, and marriages?’ ...