The Good News and the Bad News

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  –John 10:10

Have you ever felt that somebody somewhere is out to get you? Like nothing in your life is going your way, and there doesn’t seem to be anything you can do about it?

There’s bad news and good news.

The bad news is that that’s true. There is someone to destroy your life. Not a person, political party, or government, but a spiritual villain—all the powers of hell and Satan. Jesus called him the Adversary, and Jesus had to deal with him too. And Jesus overcame him.

Which leads to the good news: you can overcome, too. In the checkers game of life, you have lost pieces to the enemy—pieces of your heart that have been stolen or destroyed. But Jesus wants to walk with you to discover what those pieces are, and to bring healing and restoration to the wounded places of your heart.

There is a 100% injury rate in the checkers game of life. But with Jesus, your chances for recovery (and victory!) get a whole lot better.