Getting Your Heart Back

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. –Luke 10:19

In checkers, everything changes the minute that one of your pieces makes it across the board and is crowned “king.” That’s how it is in the spiritual realm, too.

The process of being made into a new creation starts when you become a Believer and receive salvation; getting your heart back is the next step in the game. Life, the world, and Satan will still try to beat you down, even after you become a Believer. Getting your heart back is the process through which you learn to say No and take an active role in guarding and fighting for your heart. It happens when you receive the power and authority given to you by Christ through the Holy Spirit.

It’s not always easy, and it doesn’t always happen in a single moment. It’s not quite as simple as an on/off switch. Getting your heart back is more like building a new workout regimen or composing a piece of music—it takes time and practice, and you will probably have to learn through trial and error.

But as you continue to partner with Jesus on the journey of getting your heart back, you’ll find that life, the world, and Satan have less hold over you than you thought.